Calendar of Events 2016 -2017
April Meeting
"Annual Business Meeting with Guest speaker Peter Wright"
On Monday April 10, 2017 at 8:00pm in the OMAFRA Building.
Our Guest speaker Peter Wright will tell us how he writes, speaks and coaches others to overcoming and thriving an adversity. Based on his life story from being born in London UK, moving to Rhodesia as a young boy, living as a teenager and young adult under sanctions and served 10 years as a part time soldier during the terrorist war. He lived for 14 years in South Africa before returning to Zimbabwe as former Rhodesia is called now. Losing his farm and being arrested and imprisoned during the illegal farm invasions in 2002, he moved to Canada.
After this speaker we will have our Annual Business Meeting. During the ABM voting will take place for new members in the executive team, an OMAFRA team member will be assisting with the election.
On Monday April 10, 2017 at 8:00pm in the OMAFRA Building.
Our Guest speaker Peter Wright will tell us how he writes, speaks and coaches others to overcoming and thriving an adversity. Based on his life story from being born in London UK, moving to Rhodesia as a young boy, living as a teenager and young adult under sanctions and served 10 years as a part time soldier during the terrorist war. He lived for 14 years in South Africa before returning to Zimbabwe as former Rhodesia is called now. Losing his farm and being arrested and imprisoned during the illegal farm invasions in 2002, he moved to Canada.
After this speaker we will have our Annual Business Meeting. During the ABM voting will take place for new members in the executive team, an OMAFRA team member will be assisting with the election.
March meeting
"Joined Meeting with Seaford WSA and Listowel WSA"
On Thursday March 30, 2017 at the Stratford Golf and Country Club starting of this Joined meeting with Seaford WSA and Listowel WSA will be at 10.00am. The cost to participate will be $ 35.00 p.p.
Our morning will be dedicated to succession planning on the family business- and, or, ownership farm! We will have a presentation from David Murray about the legal aspect in succession planning and hear from Jilleana Poortinga more about the financial side of it.
Lunch will follow.
After lunch Maggie Van Camp will talk to us about her believes that accepting and promoting diversity on our farms is paramount to a successful future for Canada's agricultural industry. Be proud of who we are and what we do regardless of gender, race or culture.
Andrew Campell will follow and will speak to us that with all kinds of information available about modern farms, and not all of it being true, Andrew is keen to make sure people get the full story on what farmers do on a daily basis, why they do it and what they care about.
Day will be as following:
10:30 am David Murray, Lawyer from Deveraux Murray LLP
Jilleane Poortinga CPA, CA working for PTMG Charted Accountants
12:30 pm Lunch
01:30 pm Maggie Van Camp award winning agricultural journalist, senior editor with
Country Guide, CEO Redcrest Farms ( Broiler, solar and small cropping
operation )
02:30 pm Andrew Campbell Farmer of Bellson Farms ( milking Holsteins, grow corn,
soybeans, wheat and hay. he has a passion for agriculture advocacy, social
media and new technology.
03:30 pm Adjournment
We hope you will all join us for this eventful day!
Come and listen, learn and socialize together with a group of Women Supporting and Living Agriculture!
On Thursday March 30, 2017 at the Stratford Golf and Country Club starting of this Joined meeting with Seaford WSA and Listowel WSA will be at 10.00am. The cost to participate will be $ 35.00 p.p.
Our morning will be dedicated to succession planning on the family business- and, or, ownership farm! We will have a presentation from David Murray about the legal aspect in succession planning and hear from Jilleana Poortinga more about the financial side of it.
Lunch will follow.
After lunch Maggie Van Camp will talk to us about her believes that accepting and promoting diversity on our farms is paramount to a successful future for Canada's agricultural industry. Be proud of who we are and what we do regardless of gender, race or culture.
Andrew Campell will follow and will speak to us that with all kinds of information available about modern farms, and not all of it being true, Andrew is keen to make sure people get the full story on what farmers do on a daily basis, why they do it and what they care about.
Day will be as following:
10:30 am David Murray, Lawyer from Deveraux Murray LLP
Jilleane Poortinga CPA, CA working for PTMG Charted Accountants
12:30 pm Lunch
01:30 pm Maggie Van Camp award winning agricultural journalist, senior editor with
Country Guide, CEO Redcrest Farms ( Broiler, solar and small cropping
operation )
02:30 pm Andrew Campbell Farmer of Bellson Farms ( milking Holsteins, grow corn,
soybeans, wheat and hay. he has a passion for agriculture advocacy, social
media and new technology.
03:30 pm Adjournment
We hope you will all join us for this eventful day!
Come and listen, learn and socialize together with a group of Women Supporting and Living Agriculture!
February Meeting
" Farm Safety"
On Thursday February 16, 2017 we will have our meeting at Omafra building at 8:00pm.
We will have a presentation by Cheryl DeCooman about Farm Safety.
There are safety risks in all aspects of farm operations. Learning how to manage these risks is important to protecting lives, preventing accidents and keep your farm safe. The ministry of Labour's Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines for Farming Operations in Ontario highlights farm hazards, and helps employers, workers and others to recognize and deal safely with these hazards.Cheryl, CHRL, Human Resources and Safety Coach, will deliver us an interactive workshop focused upon Farm Safety. Her approach will ensure that participants develop a better understanding of the steps we need to take to ensure that we are meeting the Ministry of Labour requirements in regards to safety on our farms.
On Thursday February 16, 2017 we will have our meeting at Omafra building at 8:00pm.
We will have a presentation by Cheryl DeCooman about Farm Safety.
There are safety risks in all aspects of farm operations. Learning how to manage these risks is important to protecting lives, preventing accidents and keep your farm safe. The ministry of Labour's Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines for Farming Operations in Ontario highlights farm hazards, and helps employers, workers and others to recognize and deal safely with these hazards.Cheryl, CHRL, Human Resources and Safety Coach, will deliver us an interactive workshop focused upon Farm Safety. Her approach will ensure that participants develop a better understanding of the steps we need to take to ensure that we are meeting the Ministry of Labour requirements in regards to safety on our farms.
January Meeting
New Years social & Line Dancing
On Friday January 13, 2017 we will be celebrating the New Year our location will be Mt Elgin Golf Club Hall and we will start at 8:00pm.
Our member Jannie van Roekel will teach us some basic line dancing steps.
The catered meal will be served by Chrissy's and after the meal Dj Double Impact will entertain us with great music everyone can dance to, throughout the night.
Bring your spouse/friend, be entertained, dance, socialize and celebrate! We leave it up to you, if you like to come out in your "country Look".
Tickets are $ 20.00 available at the first meeting on September 12, 2016 or through Caren Duizer.
Our member Jannie van Roekel will teach us some basic line dancing steps.
The catered meal will be served by Chrissy's and after the meal Dj Double Impact will entertain us with great music everyone can dance to, throughout the night.
Bring your spouse/friend, be entertained, dance, socialize and celebrate! We leave it up to you, if you like to come out in your "country Look".
Tickets are $ 20.00 available at the first meeting on September 12, 2016 or through Caren Duizer.
December Meeting
Christmas season!! Come join us on Wednesday December 7, 2016 at the Emmanuel Reformed Church starting from 10:00am to 2:00 pm for our Christmas-get-together.
If you like you can throw your Ugly Christmas sweater on and start the festivities.
We will make 2 small Christmas arrangements and have a potluck lunch together.
You can also participate in the " Secret Santa " gift. If you'd like to play just bring a wrapped gift valued between $ 5.00 & $ 10.00. ( Please note that this game is optional )
If you like you can throw your Ugly Christmas sweater on and start the festivities.
We will make 2 small Christmas arrangements and have a potluck lunch together.
You can also participate in the " Secret Santa " gift. If you'd like to play just bring a wrapped gift valued between $ 5.00 & $ 10.00. ( Please note that this game is optional )
November Meeting
Self Defence
On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 our November meeting will be at the O.M.A.F.R.A building and starts at 8:00pm. This meeting will be about Self Defence.
Johan van der Eijk will introduce us to self defence. Johan himself has won several Canadian and World championships medals. He also coaches 3 young ladies to win there Canadian and world championships.
He will be telling us about self defence for woman, what to expect and how to react if it comes to defend your self on the street.
Johan van der Eijk will introduce us to self defence. Johan himself has won several Canadian and World championships medals. He also coaches 3 young ladies to win there Canadian and world championships.
He will be telling us about self defence for woman, what to expect and how to react if it comes to defend your self on the street.
October Meeting
Barn Fire Prevention
Wednesday October 19, 2016 at the OMAFRA building starting @ 8:00pm we will talk about Barn Fires.
We hear a lot about barn fires lately. Not every fire is preventable, however there are strategies to lower the risk of a barn fire and products available to lessen their effects on your business if they do happen.
Tonight Doug Bell provider of farm insurances from Mc Farland Rowland Insurances together with Robert (Bob ) De Brabendere a claim expert from Westren General Insurance will talk to us about this topic and walk us through the process after a fire occurs at a farm. A loss prevention expert will also be part of this presentation, offering clues on how to avoid fires from happening on the farm.
We hear a lot about barn fires lately. Not every fire is preventable, however there are strategies to lower the risk of a barn fire and products available to lessen their effects on your business if they do happen.
Tonight Doug Bell provider of farm insurances from Mc Farland Rowland Insurances together with Robert (Bob ) De Brabendere a claim expert from Westren General Insurance will talk to us about this topic and walk us through the process after a fire occurs at a farm. A loss prevention expert will also be part of this presentation, offering clues on how to avoid fires from happening on the farm.
September Meeting
Merci Ships
Linda van den Akker, our guest speaker for tonight ( Monday, September 12, 2016 at OMAFRA @ 8:00pm ) would like to invite members, new members, guests and potential members to come out to our first meeting of the new season about MERCI SHIPS.
Merci Ships are a non governmental floating hospital with nurses, doctors, surgeons and other crewmembers from all over the world donating their time to help on board.
Linda herself has done 5 trips with a Mirci Ship she just returned from a trip to Madagascar. Before that she was in Benin, Togo, Guinea and Congo. She will be doing a presentation on the work of Merci Ships and also a bit of her personal experiences during her stay in Madagascar.
Merci Ships are a non governmental floating hospital with nurses, doctors, surgeons and other crewmembers from all over the world donating their time to help on board.
Linda herself has done 5 trips with a Mirci Ship she just returned from a trip to Madagascar. Before that she was in Benin, Togo, Guinea and Congo. She will be doing a presentation on the work of Merci Ships and also a bit of her personal experiences during her stay in Madagascar.